Monday, 10 November 2014

10 Reason why u should have this me u will like it!!..=))

wahhh this polaroid camera really2 make me crazy because of their features and color so beautiful..i cannot be patience to have it..arghhhh...

this is so so beautiful....:)
As we can see now the community has managed to withstand the digital age and is thriving, consider occasionally ditching your handy digital or reliable camera phone for the wonders of instant film. There are many benefits to instant film that cannot be easily replicated with computer-based applications or digital cameras.
interesting right.. so, let's look at the benefit of this camera:

1. Immediate Gratification

One big benefit of instant film cameras is the instant gratification they provide the photographer. In their heyday, these cameras saved doting parents the agony of waiting weeks to see prints of their latest pictures come back from the developer. Although most Americans who still use traditional film cameras currently have access to one-hour film developing stands, and those who use digital have the ability to see their pictures right after snapping them, they still have to go somewhere, upload, and print in order to get a tangible, hard copy of their image. With instant film the process is far simpler. Just snap and wait for the print to shoot out the side, where it will magically develop within just a few minutes.

2. Interesting, Retro-Style Imagery

The images produced by instant camera film are different from those produced by digital or even 35 mm cameras. They have their own fuzzy, retro look, and a white surrounding block that safely encompasses the image like a frame. Pictures produced through instant film have a unique look that can never be totally duplicated, as hard as online digital photo-editing applications may try. Film from makers like Fuji and Impossible Project comes in a variety of hues and speeds, slightly altering the final image. For example, black and white film is a popular example of uncommon instant photography.

3. Nostalgia

For those who are old enough to remember when instant film was popular, there is something special about the unique sound the camera makes when developing, the smell (yes, there is a smell), and the distant memory of shaking one of those little squares while anxiously waiting for the development process to conclude. These actions create their own sort of ritual and bring about the warm, fuzzy feeling of nostalgia that fills the soul. For many, this feeling is a good enough reason to make the small investment required to acquire an instant film camera and related accessories. With every point and click, they can reflect on a sunny childhood when instant film was the norm and digital cameras were a distant dream.

4. Great for Parties

Using an instant film camera at parties is a great way to capture fun, candid shots, and send the models home with a souvenir. Whereas digital photos at a party mean waiting for someone to upload them onto a social network, instant film provides a hard copy right away. It has the additional benefit of saving you from having to befriend total strangers just to see your picture tagged on their page. Furthermore, it is the only copy, so if it is a particularly goofy image, it will disappear into obscurity as instantly as it came about.

5. Increased Privacy

With an instant film camera, no evidence remains that an image ever existed following printing. This is far different from digital cameras, which leave behind a copy to be distributed far and wide, and film cameras which produce negatives to be used for reprinting at any time. Sure images can be deleted and negatives destroyed, even instant film can be photocopied. But there is something more personal, more private about an instant camera image. You have a one of a kind, hard copy shot forever.

6. Conversation Starter

Instant film cameras are rare these days, and they look totally different from the thin, rectangular digital point-and-shooters that most people carry around. Pulling out a vintage polaroid and snapping a few candid shots at the beach or your company picnic is certain to turn heads. Chances are there will be a few younger people in the crowd who have never even heard of an instant camera. This definitely makes for a great way to start a conversation and share why these cameras should be kept around.

7. Good for Test Shots

Instant film cameras are good for test shots, particularly when it comes to professional photographs. The photographer can use the resulting image to have a better idea of how the ambient lighting will affect the shoot. Though digital cameras also provide an image, and a cornucopia of editing software exists to touch up those images, it still does not hurt to give the subject of the picture an idea of what the final print will look like, especially one that they can take home that day.

8. Great for Scrap booking

Polaroid-style pictures make great additions to scrapbooks. They present a small white patch at the foot of the image that is perfect for adding the date, time, or subject’s name. They also look funky and retro, against digital and conventional prints. Scrap booking enthusiasts who are seeking a new, creative way to preserve their memories will likely appreciate the authenticity and one-of-a-kind nature of instant photography

9. Stand Out From the Crowd

Taking good instant photos requires talent and a sharp eye. There are no do-overs or edits. It is a unique hobby that will certainly set you apart from your digital point-and-shoot companions. Even the nicest, most-advanced digital camera cannot rival the looks of interest and admiration that follow a person cool enough to whip out a vintage Polaroid or a trendy new Fuji Instax and start snapping away. 

10. Fun Crafts

Thanks to their unique look and style, instant film photos can make a great addition to many different craft projects. Use an instant camera to produce take-home picture crafts at a child’s birthday party or label kitchen cabinets in a cool, fun way. These types of cameras are just another way for the creatively minded to make life more interesting.
actually instant film cameras not only provide a nostalgic novelty, they give users the opportunity to experiment with a one of a kind form of photographic art that was almost lost. 
hmm this is so so so interesting ..i think i should have one. especially pink very beautiful and easy for us to bring everywhere and put inside of our handbag..below u can see that this camera has many color that you can choose based on your for me for sure i will pink color because it's look so nice..=)))

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