Friday, 31 October 2014

My Little Damia with her gadget..:)

nowadays, it seems these day kids are operating electronic devices such as smartphones practically moments after being born. we just take a look around at any local playgroup or playground. you'll be likely to see kids as young as 2 or even younger clutching mom or dad's phone to play games or view videos..

today i will share about my niece with her gadget.. as we know nowadays especially kids they are exposed with the technology..myniece which is Damia Marissa she is 2 years old..Damia start using and know about technonolgy since the age 1 year and half. since then, she cannot see her mother use handphone and automatically she want that handphone. what i can review about her is , she using smartphones or tablet because she want play games, take picture and now she know whatsapp and always use whatsapp to sent voice note to her father while his father working.

here i will share about benefits for kids to exposed with the technology:
here are 5 ways to your kiddies can benefit from technology and active screen time: 

Improves Language Skills
Active screen time help children develop language skills. By reading eBooks or accessing stories online, they learn new words and proper ways to pronounce them. Many types of language development technology offer multisensory engagement, which offers speed and support to the learning process. Modern children have a keenly intuitive knack for understanding computer based systems. Parents can provide children with picture dictionary or flashcards for them to boost their vocabulary and teach them to look for word meanings should they come across an unfamiliar word.
 Promotes School Readiness and Cognitive Development
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For technology to be meaningful in early education, it must provide opportunities for children to gain the necessary skills to prepare them for school. Many developmentally appropriate computer programs increase a child’s readiness to learn Reading and Math. Technology may provide basic skills in which children must have competency in order to be successful in school; skills critical for children to then engage successfully in higher-order thinking and applied learning.

 Higher Capacity for Visual Attention
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Gaming and learning applications equip children to pay more attention to details in order to complete these activities. Ever noticed how your child seems preoccupied when playing a game? The reason behind that is he’s concentrating on his next move. Let’s use Role Playing Games (RPGs) for example. In RPGs, the child uses a character. In order to play, he has to move the character around while planning his next move. These simultaneous activities train children to pay attention to every detail on the screen in order to achieve the goals of the game.
 Enhances Social Interaction Skills
As children develop their language skills, they are able to absorb ideas that equip them with skills necessary in relating with other people. When technology is used appropriately, technology can be used in collaboration with other people. In some schools in the United States, children are already given the opportunity to write and solve problems together using technology. Problem solving is a valuable social skill that can be carried throughout life. Children are encouraged to use tech tools to create projects and to share ideas in groups.
Increases Motivation to Complete Tasks
Many apps and computer activities are created to encourage children to complete a level in order to unlock the next level. These learning games may help create a foundation for children to keep on trying and to overcome challenges even outside the screen setting.

woww interesting right?
^_^ so i hope this kind of benefit can help mother and father out there to know how the right way to exposed the technology to their kids.^_^

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Introduction: Do you know about technology??

oraitt... let's talk about technology..

Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, craft, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose. Technology is always developing and improving people by giving more idea's to expand inventions and make the old inventions better and more useful for their community and the world. Other than that, technology also can helped improved our lives in many ways like in education, health and in communication. However, technology also can be describe as a something that can reduce the man's effort in any process of the world, with the faster and reliable faces. In short, we can say that technology related to the advances equipment and tools or machines used in any industry field and community. Actually, there are huge numbers of example available in our surroundings which are part of technology. For example, the daily life comprises of technology like cell phone, computer, televisions, refrigerator which cover the needs of almost all the people in the world.